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Clubs and Organizations

IC School offers a multitude of opportunities for discovering and fine-tuning your child's talents and interests, both through school curriculum and extracurricular activities.

Student Government (grades 5-8) comprised of elected representatives from grades 5-8. Student Government participates in several fundraisers throughout the year, such as selling popcorn at Falcon Fest and Scoop Dog Valentines in February. They also assume leadership roles in a variety of other capacities in the school. They meet every other week.

Little Rockers  (grades 1-5)  meet after school once a week starting during the month of September. They run a set course with the intention of racking up 25.2 miles before the Little Rock Marathon in February. On race day, the Little Rockers run the last mile of the marathon to complete their full 26.2 mile marathon.

Battle of the Books (grades 4-6)  Members read a selection of books and compete as teams in battles over what they have read. One team from IC competes in the state-wide tournament in the spring. BOB meets once a month until February when they switch into battle mode and meet once a week.

Spelling Bee pit a student from each classroom in grades 4-8 against one another in a bid for spelling mastery. The school winner then goes on to compete in the county bee.

Choirs -  Seraphim Choir (grades 3-5)  and  Junior High Choir (grades 6-8) meet once a week and perform at school Masses. Some members are selected to cantor as well. 

Handbells (2nd grade) perform at designated school Masses.

Jr Beta Club (grade 8) is open to students who maintain a stellar academic record and demonstrate ideals of leadership, service, and dedication to the school community. Students are inducted toward the end of seventh grade and participate throughout their eighth-grade year. Meetings are held as needed to plan and execute service projects for the community and school and to provide support and leadership for the rest of the student body.

Mathletes (grades 7-8) are the best and brightest junior math students. They meet at specific times throughout the year to prepare for the Mu Alpha Theta competition held in February.

Boy Scout, Girl Scout troops - While IC School does not have school-based troops, we work cooperatively with local troop leaders and parent volunteers to ensure any interested child may participate.




September 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday